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Her "oomph" factor Second is comes the "oomph" factor It is more like the booty call He will check out her assets and see if he likes the look of what he sees A pretty face is good but that has to be complemented with the right body Oomph also has a lot to do with a girls overall attitude and that has to be a confident one Her "type" A guy will then proceed to check out the girls type He has to see whether he will be able to get along with her or not He will try and gauge if a girl is the flighty happy go lucky sort or is the more scholarly variety where all she can talk about is books Her smile A smile can make or break a man's interest in a woman When a guy is checking out a woman he will try to see what her smile says A pinched smile or a fake one can be spotted from a mile away Guys will always hit on girls that have an open and warm smile Her body language A guy also notices a girl's body language It tells him what sort of a girl she is One can easily tell if a girl is confident insecure desperate dominating etc by one's body language He will notice the way she sits stands walks and places her hands and make up his mind about her intelligence quotient A dumb woman can never hold a man's interest for long When a man is noticing things about a woman he will also notice things that are not superficial Her intelligence and ability to hold an Booty Firm  conversation ranks very high here Her sense of humor A woman with a sense of humor is able to attract men like bees to honey A man will look for a sense of humor in a woman when he is noticing things about her Although this was the famed recital of a fictitious male pirate the idea of a female pirate has gained popularity in recent years Pirate girl costumes offer more room for novelty and thrill than men's pirate costumes Theme parties are a rage and pirate costumes are genderless and timeless Moreover by donning a pirate costume you can look sexy mischievous enigmatic and formidable all at the same time Pirate Girl Costumes: Choose From a Huge Range A pirate girl costume does not have to emulate the style of Jack Sparrow Captain Cutthroat or Captain Blackheart Girls can imitate: * Booty Luscious Sexy Adult * Buccaneer Babe Adult * Captain Swashbuckler * Gothic Pirate Lady * High Seas Pirates Therefore you can confidently exchange your Cinderella gowns and Jasmine harem pants for a sexy eye patch leather material artificial feathers dagger bandanna sword and pistol A pirate girl costume and accessories look pretty in pink.
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